Our Programme

Give your child a foundation in mental math that they can count on for success at Superman Mental Arithmetic!

Math is a great way to stimulate a child’s brain development and empower them to reach their full potential. Founded in 1982, Superman Mental Arithmetic is a popular school in Taiwan with a long history that you can trust.

At Superman Mental Arithmetic, teachers first teach students about on how to use abacus to do addition and subtraction. This gives your child the head start he needs before entering primary school. There are plenty of benefits to starting young. With abacus and mental arithmetic training, students are able to cultivate their concentration, and also improve their calculation ability and speed. Successfully being able to do mental calculations will also be a confidence booster and gives them a good foundation in logical thinking and memory.

If you’re thinking the caveat of all these advantages is that classes must be boring, then rest assured that, especially for the younger tots, Superman Mental Arithmetic has many creative numbering activities that teach students through games. These activities help children to see the beauty and fun of numbers and math.

During the classes, students are guided by dedicated tutors who have received their training under abacus experts in Taiwan. Furthermore, tutors are sent for intensive training yearly to keep their methods and lessons up-to-date and well suited for the current educational environment, so you’ll be sure your kids are learning in ways that are relevant to their future academic endeavours.

If your little one has yet to dip his toes into the profound waters of using abacus and doing mental math, Superman Mental Arithmetic fills that gap with an introductory programmes, so children of all skills levels will find a place of learning at this school.

Not sure if your child suitable for this abacus & mental arithmetic course?